Sound Meditation

Sound has been used since ancient times in rituals and ceremonies for celebrations, mourning and healing alike.

The sound of the gong is a primordial sound that touches the deepest, truest part of our soul and being.

Binaural beats are created which entrain the brain into what’s known as delta or theta frequency to allow for a dream or trance like state.

This brings the whole nervous system into Para sympathetic mode or rest and digest. It’s in this space that the mind and body can experience deep relaxation, rejuvenation and repair.

I use a combination of gongs, crystal bowls, chimes, voice and other percussion instruments along with the breath to encourage a deeper journey within. The human body is made up of between 60-70% water which allows the sound to penetrate through even the smallest molecules in the body.

Some of the benefits of sound meditation include but are not limited to:

• Deep relaxation.

• Helping with quality of sleep.

• Reduce stress and anxiety.

• Encourage a healthier system thus improving overall health.

 1:1 Sessions

This is a beautiful way to experience sound in a way that is tailored exactly for you, we can work with a specific intention, help clear any energy blockages in your body as you feel the vibrations deep with your whole being. Below is based on coming to Our space in Rathnew for a session. Home visits are possible on request.


Encouraging healthy wellbeing into a work place is so important these days, especially with the extra stress with working from home. Reducing stress also improves productivity and mental health.


Private Small Groups

If you would like to have a special gathering with friend or family as a celebration


Zen hen

Mothering blessing

Full moon party

Or for just the pure intentions of rest & celebrating that

This can be incorporating Sound Meditation, Yoga (Hatha and yin), Reiki healing, Woman’s work and Breathwork.



 “Prepare to be guided on a journey - feel your body melting into a relaxed state as your mind roams about to the different sounds. Fiona has a soothing tone to her voice which has an immediate calming effect. These sessions come highly recommended.”


“Fiona’s sound bath are other-worldly. The sounds she creates with a combination of so many different instruments send me straight into a deep, calming rest-mode that enable me to switch off a busy mind and be in pure bliss of the present moment. The positive effects are endless and carry me throughout days after. I can’t recommend her immersive sound experiences enough. Be it in person or virtual from her home directly to mine. I am hooked for ever!!”

  “The quieter you become the more you are able to hear”
