Holistic therapies


Reiki is an ancient form of energy work, the lineage I have studied & become attuned to from my teacher Ann Traynor is Usui reiki. Passed down from Dr. Usui, to Dr. Hayeshi & Ms. Takata.

Reiki can be an amazing tool & modality to help with stress in the system whether it is presenting itself as physical, emotional or energetic. It is all connected.

Helping to alleviate any stagnancy that builds up in the system, to release blockages & allow for a smoother flow of energy.

Settling the nervous system, aligning & balancing the energy body.

It is a fantastic treatment for physical discomfort such as headaches, joint stiffness, digestive issues or any inflammation.

Emotional stress such as depression, anxiety or grief.

Energetic blockages, like feeling stuck, being in a trauma response of fight, flight, freeze or fawn. Feelings of lack of motivation, self-worth or trust in one’s own innate power.

We will begin our session with a conversation, an opportunity for us to sit together, settle into the space & connect.

Space for you to share a little about where you are at & what you would like from your treatment.

Once we feel ready, you will lie down in a comfortable position on the bed & we will begin the treatment.

Reiki is given through the hands of the practitioner, this can be hands on at times but it is mostly a hands off treatment.

We will move through the energy centres (chakra’s) of the body to help bring a sense of balance.

There may be certain areas that need a bit more care, so there will be more of a focus on those areas in that case.

Reiki symbols are lovingly placed into these energy centres to bring a sense of renewal, clearance & protection.

The treatment will last about an hour in total. There will be space to come around slowly, have a glass of water & feel like you are ready to leave.

Reiki session : 60 mins : €70

Reiki womb journey : €100

Reiki & massage fusion : 90 mins : €120

Reiki & sound bathing infusion : 90 mins : €120


Massage is one of the oldest modalities.

It has been used for a very long time as a form of healing from injury, to relieve tension & prevent or cure illness.

As humans we are hard wired for touch & need it to grow & develop properly as infants.

Massage can help to improve circulation, remove stagnancy by improving the lymph system, ease physical tension, calm the nervous system & allow space for deep healing on all levels.

I have trained & gained experience with numerous types of massage over the years including Swedish, Aromatherapy, Holistic, Lomi Lomi, Hot stone, Indian head & Reflexology.

Although I won’t be offering all of these as stand alone treatments, my experience & training will inform my unique approach to treating the body in a very holistic way depending on your needs.

Back or Indian head or Legs & feet : 30 mins : €35

Neck, back & shoulders or legs & feet : 60 mins : €70

Full body massage : 90 mins : €120

Massage & Reiki fusion : 90 mins : €120

Massage & Sound meditation fusion : 90mins : €120

Sound meditation

Sound has been used in many ancient traditions as a form of healing, celebration & connection.

The vibrations of sound penetrate our minds, bodies & sounds deeply. On conscious & sub conscious levels to create change.

We feel the effects of sound on an energetic, physical & emotional level.

Sound meditation actually changes our brain waves through entrainment, where the frequencies of the instruments are so close together.

Creating a trance like state & brining us into a deep meditative state (theta waves) or deep sleep state (delta waves).

Allowing space for rest, rejuvenation, recharge & change.

It is a really beautiful way to connect into these states of being without much effort from the receiver.

Sound meditation 1 to 1 : 60 mins: €100

Sonic womb journey: €120

Sound meditation & massage fusion :90 mins: €150

Sound meditation & reiki fusion :90 mins : €150

Sound meditation & massage & reiki fusion : 120 mins : €200